A Conversation with Deron Marquez

Native Nations Institute

Native Nations Institute (NNI) Co-founder Stephen Cornell sits down with Deron Marquez, former Tribal Chairman of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians (1999-2006), to discuss hot topics in Indian Country today. Subjects covered include per capita payments, Tribal disenrollment, education, economic development and more. This interview took place at the NNI Studio during January in Tucson (JIT) 2024 where Marquez delivered a guest lecture as part of the annual JIT Speaker Series at the UArizona James E. Rogers College of Law in Tucson, Arizona. January in Tucson is the annual flagship masters-level education event for the UArizona Indigenous Governance Program, which operates as a partnership between NNI and the College of Law's Indigenous Peoples Law & Policy Program.

Resource Type

Native Nations Institute. "A Conversation with Deron Marquez". (2024). Interview. YouTube.com. Accessed on June 25, 2024 https://youtu.be/gG2bMBUxxbk?si=lkzj_yoDa8JaCXHy

Transcripts for all videos are available by request. Please email us: nni@arizona.edu.

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