Kaw Nation: Distribution of Authority Excerpt


Section 3. General Council Powers. The General Council shall be the supreme legislative body of the Kaw Nation.

A. The General Council is empowered to assist the Tribal Council and may, at its discretion, issue broad policy directives, which shall be dutifully pursued by the Tribal Council. Such policy directives may include but not be limited to tribal strategic planning goals in the areas of housing, health care, education, historic preservation, and economic development.

B. The General Council shall set the compensation of officials elected under Article IX of this Constitution based upon the recommendations of a salary commission consisting of (5) five people appointed by the Tribal Council and confirmed individually by the General Council. Said compensation shall be set only at the first meeting of each election year of the Chair, and any change in compensation so set shall take effect on Inauguration Day.

C. The five Tribal Council actions described under subparagraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this paragraph shall have no force and shall be of no effect unless and until they have been approved by a majority vote of the General Council at a properly called meeting.

1. The sale, mortgage (except purchase money mortgages on the land being purchased), or other alienation of tribally owned lands. Leases entered into pursuant to Federal statute, revocable permits, and assignments under tribal law where legal or trust title of the Kaw Nation remains unaffected are not alienations for purposes of this subsection.

2. The establishment, enactment, amendment, or repeal of legislation respecting tribal elections, the Attorney General, access to tribal records, the Tribal Council rules of procedures, salaries for elected officials, recall, or impeachment of elected officials.

3. The criteria and grounds for disenrollment of a citizen of the Kaw Nation without his or her consent.

4. The exercise of the tribal power of eminent domain.

5. The General Council has the right to approve the appointment of judicial officers except in a case as required by Article VIII, Section 4B.

If the General Council fails to act on actions under paragraph C of this section at a properly called meeting for any reason, its approval shall be deemed to have been given if, and only if, a statement or notice that such action would be considered was included in the public notice of the meeting.

Native Nations

Kaw Nation. 2011. "Constitution of the Kaw Nation." Kaw City, OK. 

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Kaw Nation Constitution

Location: North central Okahoma Population: 3,126 Date of Constitution: 2011

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