A Lifetime Journey: Alabama-Coushatta Name New Chiefs


For the first time in nearly two decades, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas is welcoming a new principal and second chief. The 1,200-member tribe, located on 4,500 acres of land north of Houston, elects its chiefs to life terms. An inauguration ceremony held January 1 was the first such event since 1995. The ceremony is revered because it may be witnessed only once in a lifetime, tribal spokesman Carlos Bullock said...

Resource Type

Landry, Alysa. "A Lifetime Journey: Alabama-Coushatta Name New Chiefs." Indian Country Today Media Network. January 30, 2014. Article. (https://ictnews.org/archive/a-lifetime-journey-alabama-coushatta-name-new-chiefs..., accessed February 24, 2023)

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